Thursday, March 22, 2012

Buddhist view on World's end.

  According to the Suriyaggamana Sutta (arising of seven suns) in Anguttara Nikaya, the lord Buddha explained the end of the world that how it can be happened in future. Today, we have only one sun therefore it’s sunlight is very hot. Generally, because of this warmth, the rivers, springs, paddy fields, lakes dry in summer season. That is the nature of one sun. In this sutta, Buddha explained arising of seven suns after long time later. Likewise he described arising of seven suns and ending of the world.

Hoti kho bikkhave samayo yam kadaci karahaci dighassa addhuto acayena dutiyo suriyo patu bhavati.dutiyassa bhikkhave suriyassa patubhava ya takunandiyo kussubbhata ussussanti,visussanti bhavanti”(Suriyagggamana Sutta)

1.     Second Sun:------------->After arising the second sun, all the small rivers,                                springs and lakes gradually destroy and foods,  trees and paddy fields dry.
2.     Third Sun:--------------->Then longest rivers named Ganga,  Yamuna,  Acirawathi, Sarabhuya and Mahiya also destroy.
3.     Fourth Suns:------------->The biggest lakes named Anawataptha,          Sinhapratapa         and Mandakiniya   which the longest rivers begin also evaporate.
4.     Fifth Sun:---------------> After arising fifth sun, there is not some drop of water in whole the world.
5.     Sixth Sun;--------------> The earth, the biggest rampart named suneru start to smoke.
6.     Seven Sun:------------->The whole human world and heaven begin to burn more and more as a burning ball.                                                                                                                                                         This is the interpretation of world's end in Buddhism. Buddhists do not believe the end of the world in2012 but they accept destroying world in termination of world..

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